Together for the #StandingForest

Together for the #StandingForest

We all depend on the future of the Amazon. We must all come together to seek its regeneration.

Natura has been working in the Amazon for more than 20 years. Throughout this journey, we learned that the sustainability of the forest is a shared commitment. We all depend on the future of the Amazon. Through our activities in the forest, we were already able to preserve 1.8 million hectares of land - equivalent to half of the size of Holland. But this is not enough.

We need to work together with the communities who live there, the private sector and local government to ensure the conservation and the future of the Amazon. A future that protects our natural resources and that also enables economic growth, as Natura has shown to be possible through multiple projects and initiatives. It's possible to produce without burning or cutting down trees. However, we must go beyond and also seek the regeneration of the trees in the deforested areas.

#amazoniaviva #standingforest
We need to come together to overcome this moment. To reach sustainable development and a more balanced society, citizens and companies must be heard and have a constructive dialogue with the government. All voices, especially those with different opinions, are crucial to reach the best decisions for all of us. We have to join forces and act as one.

There will be no standing forest if we sit still.

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