Cumaru Triple Phase Shower Oil: The Newest Way To Caress Your Skin
It starts with the seeds of a tropical fruit that is all about scent, healing and love. For women and men.
Just in time for the Holidays, we’re thrilled to introduce you to Cumaru Triple Phase Shower Oil, a unisex treatment for silky smooth skin. Cumaru offers a third way to enjoy our best-selling Triple-Phase Shower Oil, joining Maracujá and Pitanga. As Women’s Health noted, “if anything could put body lotion out of business, this is it.” Just shake the bottle to activate and mix the three oil phases and apply it on your skin during the shower, after cleansing. Enjoy the light lather and rinse. You’ll be ready to make the most of the holidays with soft, moisturized and healthy skin.
Cumaru, a small reddish fruit, grows on a 104 foot tall tree, found throughout Brazil, especially in the Amazon forest. Its name comes from the indigenous language Tupi, spoken in Central and South America. Once the fruit falls from the tree, it exudes an unmistakable scent in the air, which resembles vanilla, only less sweet. Local tribes use its black and wrinkled seeds, also known as tonka beans, to decorate bracelets and necklaces.
But there's more to it: these tribes also know the healing powers of its oil too well, from skin cuts to snake bites. So does Natura Brasil. We've turned the magic of Cumaru into soap bars, a body mist, a lightweight hand lotion and liquid hand soap. Add new Cumaru Triple Phase Shower Oil and you’re ready to bring some love, sustainability and warmth from the tropical South straight into your winter days.