5 Tips for a Soothing, Stress-Free Holiday Season!

5 Tips for a Soothing, Stress-Free Holiday Season!

Discover five of our favorite tips to help you relieve stress during the Holidays.

Holiday Season is upon us! And for many, it’s not just the most wonderful season of the year – it’s also the busiest. This is the season that families and friends would typically be gathering to celebrate together. But with the COVID-19 pandemic, this year may look different than normal.

Even if it isn’t possible to organize big parties or plan travels, there are gifts to buy, food to make, and a to-do list, which seems never-ending. So, we’ve compiled five tips to help you enjoy a soothing, stress-free Holiday Season:

1. Make a Holiday To-DList... and, then check it twice! 

The Holidays doesn't have to be stressful. We know there are so many things to plan and organize, but there are still ways for you to ensure a Stress-Free Holiday SeasonStart by making a to-do list, to make sure you’re not forgetting anythingIf it’s possible, plan ahead: from your Holiday gift list to the family lunch menu. Planning doesn’t have to take hours, it can be as simple as making a note on your calendar for what is to come. After all, it should be a time of happiness and celebrationnot stress and overwhelm.

2. Set your holiday budget 

It’s all too easy for holiday spending to get out of hand – and fast! Start setting your holiday budget now, so you know exactly how much you want to spend in each category: gifts, travel, parties, and more. Then use a simple method to track your spending in each category, you might use an app, or list your expenses in the notes section of your phone. But, remember to create a realistic holiday budget that you can actually stick to.

3. It's never too soon to start holiday shopping!

Planning your gift list and buying ahead also helps with stress. Each year, the crowds in the stores are crazy the closer to Holidaysbut we know shopping this year is likely to be quite different. To maintain social distance, an alternative to going to the stores is shopping online. You can even shop in your PJs and in the comfort of your couch! 

4. Create a self-care routine plan

Don't wait until Holidays pressure becomes too overwhelming to reserve time for yourself. Remember to take some time for you in all the holiday preparations. Try a relaxing bath, take a yoga class, or just enjoy a coffee with a special friend, even at a distance. Take care of your mental and physical health. Caring starts with your own well-being, because when you feel good, you can expand your care for others.

5. How about trying a video call holiday party?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, holiday travel is being discouraged, and digital gatherings seem the most prudent way to connect with friends and families. But Holidays can still be enjoyed with loved ones even when apartvirtual celebrations are a great suggestion for those families who may not be together this year in person. If you're staying at home, try to create renewing moments via video calls. Games can still be played across video calls, and gifts can still be opened whilst the grandparents watch!

It's likely that some of your favorite holiday memories happened around the table as you enjoyed the company of family and friends. We know there is nothing that can replace the presence of those we love. But it’s time to celebrate life, stay closer even when physically distant and dream together about the world everybody deserves.

After this challenging year, we need to embrace happiness wherever we find it, whether on a virtual gathering with your grandparents or through a gift filled with care. This Holiday Season be present in the form of a Natura gift. #NaturaHolidays #DreamWithNatura

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